Five Reasons You Do Not Want to be a Regency Lady!

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I recently did a fun little piece for They asked me for a peek behind the curtain, a historical romance writer’s perspective on the real Regency. I’m so fascinated by this era and I’ve learned a lot about it. There are a few things I’ve learned that I wish I unknow, believe me! The marvelous escapist fantasy that I want to provide in my books (the one where dukes are young and handsome and totally into marrying a girl from a notorious family like Bliss Worthington!


I finished!

...much fun with all my imaginary friends at Brown’s Club for Distinguished Gentlemen and little Melody.

Melody, as some of you know, was inspired by a real little girl. Frankie Jean is a sweet, funny, mad little thing who talks a mile a minute and travels even faster. “Richochet” is a word that comes to mind. I took video of FJ when she was just three and I kept watching it during this writing process, reminding myself what 3yrs on wheels really looks like. read more

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About Celeste

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Hi, my name is Celeste Bradley and I write “Brain Chocolate”. That is, I write fun and sexy escapism for hardworking women everywhere. We deserve a little man-candy, too!

Reviewers like to say I write about misfit heroines getting the man of their dreams. Maybe that’s true, but don’t we all feel like misfits sometimes? Even if the rest of the world thinks we have all our balls in the air, aren’t we juggling like mad on the inside, desperately trying not to drop one? read more

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