
Hi, my name is Celeste Bradley and I write “Brain Chocolate”. That is, I write fun and sexy escapism for hardworking women everywhere. We deserve a little man-candy, too!
Reviewers like to say I write about misfit heroines getting the man of their dreams. Maybe that’s true, but don’t we all feel like misfits sometimes? Even if the rest of the world thinks we have all our balls in the air, aren’t we juggling like mad on the inside, desperately trying not to drop one?
Prior to giving writing a try, New York Times bestselling author Celeste Bradley was a professional artist. Believing that storytelling is as much of an art form she applies those skills to writing.
She is a two-time RITA Nominee and winner of the prestigious Historical Storyteller of the Year from Romantic Times Book Reviews. Southern-born Celeste lives in the Southwest. Her hobbies include gardening, jewelry making and collage.


Amazon Affiliate Notice
In the King’s English: My site features my books and other stuff I like. If you follow the links to Amazon and buy something, I will make a few tuppence at no extra cost to you. This defrays my caffeine and chocolate expenses so I can remain at the keyboard. 🙂 My everlasting thanks!
On My Solicitor’s Advice: “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.”
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Website designed and coded in WordPress by Charlie Fitch.